Welcome to your one-stop-shop to mastering Docker, the de facto standard to build, share, and run any application anywhere. In this article, we will delve into advanced Docker techniques, explain common pitfalls, and lay out multiple paths to achieve Docker Nirvana.

Boosting Your Builds with Multi-Stage Dockerfiles

It’s a no-brainer that smaller Docker images are better - less storage consumption, faster build and deploy times, and fewer runtime issues. Docker Multistage Builds provide an effective mechanism to create lean Docker images, by allowing us to divide our build into multiple stages, each stage with its own base image. Let’s look at this multi stage build example by crazy-max on Github:

#Stage 1: Build
FROM node:lts-alpine as build
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

#Stage 2: Production
FROM nginx:stable-alpine
COPY --from=build /app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Living in Harmony with Compose

As systems get complex, we would need multiple containers running together and interacting with each other. In comes Docker Compose, a tool that simplifies the orchestration of multi-container Docker applications. As, Bret Fisher, a renowned Docker Captain quotes - “Compose is a tool for defining and running multip-container Docker applications." You can find multiple samples on Docker’s official GitHub repository.

Unleashing the Power of Docker Volumes

To persist data and share it among containers, Docker provides a powerful feature - volumes. It lets you store data off the container’s filesystem, ensuring data survivability even when the container is removed. Here’s an example on how to use volumes:

docker run -d --name dataContainer -v /data:ro debian
docker run -it --volumes-from dataContainer debian /bin/bash

The Magic of Custom Bridge Networks

Networks facilitate inter-container communication and enhance the security between containers. By default, Docker creates three networks - Bridge, Host, and None. However, one can create their own custom networks. As Sven Dowideit, an early Docker engineer noted - “Custom networks are a pipeline to connect docker services in a much more efficient way”.

docker network create -d bridge my-bridge-network

Layers and Caching: The Unsung Heroes

One of the underlying reasons behind Docker’s speed is its layer-based architecture. Every command in a Dockerfile creates a new layer in the image. Docker caches these layers and reuses them if the commands haven’t changed. This can greatly improve build times.

Potential Pitfalls and Their Remedies

Docker, like any tool, has some gotchas. One of them is layering. Each instruction in Dockerfile creates a new layer, bloating your image size. This is where multi-stage builds come in. Another common pitfall is misusing volumes, leading to dangling volumes, consuming disk space. Use docker volume prune to remove unused volumes and free up space.

Final Thoughts

Docker isn’t just another tech buzzword. It’s an ecosystem, a transformation in the way we build, package, and deploy applications. This tutorial covered some advanced Docker techniques, but Docker’s depth is vast, one that can’t be covered in a single article.

Remember, Elton Stoneman, author of “Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches” once said, “Mastering Docker can help you redefine your infrastructure. So keep exploring, keep dockerizing!”.